Discovering ways to save or even earn additional cash can be daunting. Whether you are looking to save money for your emergency fund or make a few more dollars to add to your financial goals, there are a few apps that can assist. Reaching your goals can seem impossible until you map out a system and strategy that lets you save and even earn additional funds while you are at it. The options we will cover today are various types of mobile apps that can help you save automatically and even earn a few extra buck by referring your friends. There are plenty of apps out there, but these three apps are ones that I used and has helped me reach my goals. I examined and utilized these applications for my purposes before creating my final recommendation list. Here they are! Qapital I love this app for a few different reasons. Qapital has impressive features that allow you to set rule(s) to automate your savings. For instance, I have the app set up so that every time I spend money, the app will round the spare change and save it to my assigned goal. Right now I have a goal called “moving expenses” and "association fee fund." I also have a second rule that allows me to save a certain amount each month to help me reach my goals faster. The application is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. To start saving with Qapital, you will need to connect an existing checking account to the app. They called this your funding account for the different goals you will create. Qapital also lets you automatically transfer funds into your account when you spend less than you budgeted for a particular expense or when you spend money on something you identified as a “guilty pleasure.” Or you can contribute a lump sum to your fund on a regular basis. The idea is that your money is moved automatically, so you’ll save up for your goals without having to remind yourself constantly. Once you meet your goals, you have a few options. You can request that Qapital transfer the funds back to your funding account. This process typically takes two business days; You can also obtain the Qapital debit card at no cost and use your money for the different goals you created by moving it to your spending account on Qapital. This method is automatic with no wait time. After saving money in my laptop replacement fund, I used the Qapital card to buy a new computer. The one great thing about Qapital is that there are no fees. You can expect to earn .1% on your account. Qapital will even give you five dollars to test it out. Try it out here. If you like the service, you can refer your friends and you both will get 5 dollars. Acorns Do you want to save and maybe earn extra money? Well, check out Acorns. Like Qapital, Acorns can round up purchases linked to your credit and debit cards, but the difference is that it will also invest for you. Yes, this means your money will be invested in a portfolio based on your goals and income level. Pretty awesome right? You can select options that range from conservative to aggressive. Since I am saving for the long term, I went with a more traditional choice. However, this service is not free like Qapital. You will need to pay a fee of $1 a month if your balance is under $5,000 and afterward you will be charged a fee of .25% of your total balance. However, if you are a college student and have a school email account, you can use the service for free. You can also make purchases with Acorns’ partners using the app, and these companies will invest in you by contributing a predetermined percentage of your purchase into your account. Remember Acorn is an investing account. You will see your funds change. It will go up and down. Keep in mind that it can take several days to withdraw your funds since you will likely have shares that would need to be sold first. Check out this app here and get 5 dollars to start with. If you refer someone, you both will get 5 dollars. Digit I have to admit Digit is my favorite on the list. Unlike the prior two apps, Digit goes above and beyond to help you save. It studies your habits by paying attention to your income and spending, and it will keep your spare change in a savings account for you. It calculates what you can save because of its analysis process. You should expect savings from your account often with this app. If there is a day where the Digit app doesn’t collect for you, it will tell you the reason. How awesome is that? For example, it informed me that it was waiting for a few bills to clear before proceeding to save for me. Digit is FDIC insured. I love this app, but I do have a few suggestions. The amount saved from your funding account will vary, so you will need to keep an eye on your balance to avoid an overdraft. I also suggest setting up a minimum balance. For example, if your account is below $250 you can stop digit from saving from your checking account. You can earn a 1% saving bonus paid every three months. Also, there is a 100-day free trial period when you first start your account. The cost is 2.99 per month after your trial period. You can start here. If you refer a friend, you will receive 5 dollars. Final Thoughts If you are wondering if I still use these applications, the answer is yes. I use all three, and they are still fabulous. Each one has its advantages. You may decide to test out one or all three of them. If you do, please let us know your thoughts. I hope this information has been helpful for you. If you are using other applications, let us know. 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